Friday 17 October 2014


LESSON #42: 


We have talked about personal grooming in the previous set of lessons, its discipline to be well kempt and smart at all times. How do you dress in your business?  How do you present yourself in your business with your employees? How is your physical appearance? How do you present yourself to your clients? How do you interact with any customer complaint?
Most entrepreneurs don’t know that they represent their business 24/7/365 and their business represents them as well.

How do you dress in your business?  .
Your dress code talks more about you even before you utter a word of introduction about yourself. Being well groomed and well-dressed adds you more points and respect for your business. Being smart and casual at the same time gives your clients the impression that you’re a responsible person and that they can trust and easily approach so they will buy from your business. So this is very important factor in attracting clients and would be business partners. Dress to addressed but not to be undressed.

How do you present yourself in your business with your employees?
Are you the tough non-sensical type of business owner or are you the interacting type? Can your employees approach you or do they fear you? Yes it is good to be an authoritative business owner but not an unapproachable type. Learn to balance authority with respect not with fear all the time. Employees are also adults like you don’t treat them like children, apply authority and treat them with respect.

How is your physical appearance?
How do you appear in your business? Do you look healthy? Are you a drunk? Or do you smoke like a chimney with no respect of whom you are inconveniencing? Are you well groomed or do you stink for the whole business premises and you just don’t care because you’re the boss? Are you a sickly looking person?
Just like your dress code your physical appearance is just as important. Live a healthy life because your business largely depends on your health and hygiene. Remember your appearance speaks a lot about you and your business.

How do you present yourself to your clients?
In business the client is always #1 and is always right. Much as the latter may not be so true you just have to assume so because it’s the customer that feeds you. So do not bite the hand that feeds you. Always be honest with your clients and most importantly be patient with them. Be calm and collected because no one can run your business better than you, but never be too proud to listen to advice as well. Some clients might also be business owners, while others with big connections, that is why it’s important to respect your clients. Have good business language and communication skills. Never shout back at customers no matter how rude they might be. Keep time incase of appointments and always make sure you deliver. Clients want results not excuses.
How do you interact with any customer complaint?
Customers can be very demanding, which is expected of them, so how should you deal with such?
1.     Be calm. No one should make you panic or act irrationally in your business remember you’re the one in control not the client.
2.     Be patient. Do not cut off your client while they are still talking no matter how rude they might be. Some might have a point. Avoid getting engaged in a cross fire with them. Listen then respond as gently as you can. A gentle response always calms down a fury approach.
3.     Solve the problem as soon as possible. Assure the client that their complaint has been heard and things will change for the better.

·        Be the most honest person that you know. Be trustworthy - worthy of the trust of others. -- Robin S. Sharma

·        Be truthful, patient, persevering, modest and generous. -- Robin S. Sharma

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