These are the recipes for disaster. If you want to live a short
miserable life just get married to any of these things. Alcohol, Cigarettes and
drugs lead to addiction and it is very sad that 70% of our countries youth
population is depending on these things as a way of “escaping” the harsh
reality. Truth be told you can NEVER escape reality even when you die. You are
reality! and the only way to change reality is to change your way of thinking.
I have strongly emphasized the mindset behavior and attitude because this is
where the reality of everything revolves. Trying to escape reality by using
these products will only give you illusions, fake realities which will never
be, but will instead make your life worse that before you started taking them.
Never mix these items in your business or job, your venture will
surely fail and you will lose your job. It is very important to stay healthy
and representable for your clientele and employers. Most importantly it’s good
to be healthy.
Hangovers and headaches, these in the long term can cause severe
Alcohol affects the liver. Large consumptions of alcohol cause the
liver to deteriorate. The liver is responsible for removing any toxins from
entering the blood. Since alcohol evaporates quickly it “burns” the liver and
disables it. Once the liver is damaged one has to die.
Loss of memory, loss of appetite and loss of concentration. Nothing
can be done effectively, so you lose a lot of time and money.
Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. Lungs are very delicate once
they get infected a lot air bone diseases can easily infect the smoker.
Smoking gives bad breathe, red eyes (which can lead to poor vision)
and it darkens the lips and fingers, plus your clothes and skin smell nicotine.(Giving
a representable impression to your clients is very important)
Smoking deoxygenates the blood. Your body most especially the brain
doesn’t get enough oxygen.
From smoking cigarettes one can easily smoke pot, marijuana, powdered
drugs, turpentine and all sorts of drug fumes.
Stupidly most people believe that taking drugs is “COOL”, it’s the
stupidest thing I have ever heard. How can something that reduces your life
span and gets you demented be “COOL”? There is nothing cool when you’re busy
becoming a fool.
Drugs make you mind hallucinate, the normal and proper functioning of
your brain is altered by fantasies and illusions. One starts seeing things that
don’t exist e.g. one may see as if the ground is too far, or one may believe
that they have wings and can fly.
Drugs infect the blood and the brain (since the brain feeds on blood,
water and good health)
Loss of memory, loss of appetite, some drugs lead to loss of eyesight.
Drugs affect the liver since they are toxic.
Chances of your brain coming back to normal after a long time of drug
abuse are 1/10. Much as there is rehab we do not have such facilities in plenty
in Uganda so prevention is better than cure.
Drug abuse and drug trafficking is a crime in Uganda and in most
countries in the world.
Drugs KILL.

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